Raya-Kina Preparation

There’s no slightly difference beetwen Jakarta and Bangkok, Arriving in the month of January that should be Rainy seasons in Bangkok,not in fact,

Here some things inside my luggage

  1. Sleepsuite/Pajamas
  2. Short Sleeves
  3. Long Sleeves
  4. Short Pants
  5. Jeans
  6. Legging
  7. Undershirt
  8. CD
  9. Diapers
  10. Baby Carrier
  11. Traditional Baby Carrier
  12. Socks
  13. Headband
  14. Hat
  15. Bag
  16. Toys
  17. Medicine (Transpulmin,Vicks Vaporub,Tempra,LactoB ect)

Just bring them sufficiently, you can get them easily in Baby shop,

then I decided not to bring baby chair and stroller, we bought here with the prize 1300B (please don’t convert) and still thingking to buy stroller 😀

Beside that I bring most my breastmilk stocks which is almost 30 bags @100ml and frozen porridge , here are some tips while I packaged them

  1. Wrapped the breastmilk, ice gell and frozen porridge( I used kept my breasmilk with breastmilk bag and stored at frezer) with newspaper, make sure it covered well and put scotch tape, Using newspaper kept it cool longer,
  2. Put them into Cooler bag, and do not open frequently

Alhamdulilah all my breastmilk and frozen porridge delivered safely after journey for about 5 hours,then put them into freezer.


-lots things to do-

-lots things to do-

Sampai sekarang masih agak males mikirin buat persiapan nikahan 😀 , apakah mostly capeng merasakan hal yang sama dengan saya?  Bulan kemaren masih santai, masuk bulan ini? iseng2 cek kalender yang ternyata uda mendekati due datenya (*panik*). ini nih efek kalo jauh dari tempat nikahan (*masi-nyari-alasan*). Mau gak mau kita mesti and kudu melakukan persiapan dan kalo di-list bisa segini

gedung done

catering done 
but the menus is yet
rias+dekor done but the wedding theme and kebaya design is decided yet
mas kawin
baju keluarga
kebaya akad nikah
kebaya resepsi
wedding song
transport buat keluarga
administrasi KUA
honey moon (*wajib*) 😀

aduh ko tambah banyak ajah nih listnya ,banyak yang belum diurusin dan capeng ini semakin panik 😦
Sudah bertekad mulai minggu ini mulai ngurusin dikit2, tapi dari mana dulu ya? undangan, souvenir, cincin?

Capeng mo makan mpek-mpek dulu buat nyari inspirasi 😀


*picture taken from http://vacation-villa-rentals.eu*